This is the quickest, easiest way to brown a pound of ground beef (or turkey or whatever). I like browning it on the stove, but sometimes I'm in a hurry and need the meat browned QUICK. This method takes only about five minutes!
What you need: a plastic colander, a dinner plate, and your microwave.

Why a plastic colander? Well, you can't put a metal one in the microwave. Why a dinner plate? To catch all the grease that comes off the meat. You could brown the meat on the dinner plate and forget the colander, I suppose, but this way you can pour off the grease.
Here's a 1lb chub of ground beef, thawed and cut in half (to make it fit). I've used this method with frozen patties, but I've never tried it with a frozen chub. I'm not sure it would work as well.

It'll take about five minutes total to brown the meat, but you'll need to pull it out a couple times and break it up. I usually start with 2 minutes, break up the meat, another two minutes, break it up, and then however many more minutes I think it needs to finish (between 1 and 3).

At some point, you may need pour off the grease:

And then voila! One pound of perfectly browned meat, WITHOUT all the extra grease, and all the dishes are dishwasher safe! Easy!
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Cool...who knew???????
Thanks for the tip. I always love shortcuts. :)
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