Here's the problem: care-givers are often confused by cloth diapers. I can even walk someone through a diaper change, step-by-step, when I drop Z off, but when I pick him up, I can expect to see some strange, less-than-effective, attempt. I usually find it humorous. I can't blame them for having trouble. So, with our new little D, I was ecstatic that our increased salary allowed for a little bit in the budget to pick up some pocket diapers. These combine a waterproof cover with a fabric layer, leaving an opening. You stuff something absorbent (like microfiber, or even a prefold diaper) in the "pocket" and the diaper is just like a disposable: pull it out of the bag, put it on the child, secure the velcro or snaps, and you're done! No folding, no pins/snappi - Easy!
So today I went to bible study. I explained that Z is in cloth diapers, but that they're very easy, just like a disposable. And then I left, completely confident that all was well as far as Z's heiny was concerned (he barely said goodbye to me, he was so busy already, so I was also confident that he was going to enjoy himself). Fast forward a couple hours: we're back at home, I'm trying to get D out of his seat before he COMPLETELY loses it, Z is hanging on me and whining for something (you know, the usual scene) and something about the back of Z's pant waist catches my attention. I was so startled, I stopped unbuckling the car seat and pulled Z's pants down. You will not believe what I saw: THE DEAR LADIES AT CHURCH THIS MORNING HAD PUT Z'S DIAPER ON INSIDE OUT. INSIDE OUT!! How can one possibly confuse the inside of a pocket diaper with its outside?? One side is soft and comfy and the other is...the outside. The waterproof outside. And it has snaps! They had the snaps against his skin! I think I died laughing. (Which Z probably didn't appreciate "Mommy, my pants are on the ground and you're laughing so hard you're crying...")
I'll still try to have a pocket diaper on hand whenever I have to drop either boy off with someone, but I think I'll spend just a moment to pull the diaper out and explain how it works ;-)

Too funny! Too funny!
Yes, take a moment and show them how it's done!
When B was in cloth diapers (almost 20 years ago), they were very, very simple. Only had the non-prefolded ones, and the ones that looked like a disposable, but they were cloth! LOL! Times have changed!
Ooh! It looks like I've attracted an advertising robot! What fun!
Laurie: I didn't remember that your B was in cloth diapers :-) I think you've mentioned it before, but I forgot.
Yup! You got a bot! LOL!
Never used cloth diapers of any kind but I think I could tell the difference between the inside and the outside--some people are just too much.
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