I would like to share a blog with you that I started following a couple months ago. It's
Living Proof Ministries Blog, written by Beth Moore and her two daughters, Amanda and Melissa. If you've browsed the bible study section of the Christian book store, you've seen Beth Moore's books. I'm not going to take the time right now to tell you how incredibly wonderful Beth's bible studies are, because I have a house to clean and a project deadline looming, but if you're a blog reader, I want to encourage you to add this blog to your reader (or whatever method you use). As you know, I read my blogs (and check FB and Twitter, and read/write emails, etc.) on my phone while I'm nursing Daniel (I don't know when I'm going to get the time to do all that stuff once he's weaned...), and LPM's blog has been such an encouragement to me during those ten minute hiatuses in my day. Not only do Beth, Amanda, and Melissa write about what's going on in their ministries, they actually lead bible studies through the blog, and on top of that, they write about what's going on in their lives! I haven't participated (yet) in one of the studies, but just reading the posts has helped me keep my focus on God in the midst of all the busy-ness. So, thank you Beth, Amanda, and Melissa (and the rest of the LPM blog team!) for all the work you put into the blog, and please know that this is one stay-at-home mom who doesn't comment much (because commenting from the phone is a headache), but I won't remove your blog from my reader for the world.
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