Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Stream of Consciousness?

Thursday, December 10, 2009
The baby's crying, so this is short

Friday, November 6, 2009
There's something ALIVE in my tummy!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Typing hurts my neck

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Huntsville vs. Nashville = The Same Thing

Friday, September 4, 2009
Townhouse vs. Apartment

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bloggity Blog Blog

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hopefully the other book is much better

Elizabeth Bennet

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Experiment

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Health Insurance

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
"Update" sounds like such a good thing!
- The update removed the restrictions I had installed to prevent the phone from connecting to the data network, since we weren't paying for the data service. This resulted in $200 worth of data downloads before I realized what was happening and reinstalled the restrictions.
- OS 3.0 causes overheating problems. Result: loss of battery life. I can barely get through an entire day without needing to recharge.
- Whether it's the overheating or something else, iTunes cannot read the information on my phone, which means I can't sync with my computer, which means I have no backup of the info on my phone.
- Last time I tried to sync, iTunes removed all the music off my phone. It's still on my computer, but I no longer have music on my phone (although the memory indicators show that the music files are still taking up space on my computer.)
- Starting this morning, my phone does not ring when someone calls it. I don't know I've received a call until the notification of new voicemail comes through. And the phone does not show that I've missed a call.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The only titles I could think of were terrible cliches

Monday, July 27, 2009
I gots me some internet
In the meantime, you'll be glad to know that I got A seating, position 37 for my flight (that will make sense to fellow Southwest fliers) and it's a direct flight, though we do have a stop along the way. (So all that means is that we don't change planes, unlike our flight out here.)
Okay! That's all I've got! Talk to you later!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Don't I know not to talk to strangers??

Monday, July 13, 2009
It's called a "sticky"

Friday, July 10, 2009
The evening continues in this way - Zachary finding joy and delight in watching and holding fireflies, the rest of us finding joy and delight in watching Zachary - until the darkness is thick upon us. We finally move back inside and say our goodnights, anticipating an exciting Fourth filled with food, family, and fireworks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
- Dissertation has been submitted to the committee.
- They have until July 20th (technically July 19th? not sure) to make any changes/recommendations/complaints/etc.
- On July 20th DH give his DEFENSE. This means a 45 minutes presentation followed by a question and answer session that can last as long as his committee wants to grill him.
- Following the defense, the committee will deliberate and then inform DH of the outcome: pass or not. Unlike with the proposal, however, it's highly unlikely that he would have been allowed to get this far and not pass, so we're not too worried.
- Then the paperwork gets all turned in, I get to explain to DH's advisor that we have a son, and then DH will get his diploma in August.

Friday, June 26, 2009
Prenatal #3

Thursday, June 25, 2009
What NOT to do with a broken pickle jar

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New Blog

Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday Morning
(This post was supposed to have been published already. Don't know why it didn't!)
We picked up this folding table and chair (two chairs, actually) for $6 at a garage sale. Love it! It’s susceptible to scissors, so we’ll have to be careful as toddlers turn to preschoolers. I was trying to catch up on dishes this morning after breakfast (our garbage disposal quit. Not happy), and so left LB to his own devices. Fortunately for the both of us, he found something productive to do. If I’d had the camera downstairs, I would have taken video: he was “reading” out loud to himself and pointing to the pictures. And when he’d finished with one book, he dropped it on the floor and started on another one. I think he got through three books before deciding to do something else (namely, hang on my leg). So precious!
Later, when sitting still was no longer appealing, he found the cats to be very entertaining. One escaped to the great outdoors while the other one (who is currently sitting on my lap, making me hot and covering my yellow shirt with black fur) found behind the tv to be a safe haven from the toddler terror.

From fabric to shirt
Here is DH’s shirt! I took the picture with my phone. My phone takes terrible pictures, which is a little disappointing. Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job on this shirt! Straight lines of stitching, I even remembered to zig-zig seams (maybe someday I’ll have a serge machine). Of course, there are little mistakes, and it certainly wouldn’t win any awards (except maybe a thrift award since I eked it out of so little fabric! I even had enough for a pocket!) Speaking of the pocket, let’s take a closer look – are those FEET sticking out underneath?
There’s a hula girl in his pocket! If you scroll back up to the other picture and imagine the shirt without the pocket, you’ll see that there would have been two hula girls in the front. Yeah, not so much. So even if I’d HAD enough fabric to match the pocket, I wouldn’t have! And I couldn’t quite cover her feet because then the pocket would have been too low and might have looked funny. As it is, it’s a little too close to the sleeve. If I use this pattern again (which I probably will), I’ll put the pocket a little closer to the center front. But the vertical placement is good.
DH really likes the shirt, and declared that it is now his favorite Hawaiian shirt. He also couldn’t get over how cool it felt compared to wearing a t-shirt, and so now he understands why my dad wears Hawaiian shirts ALL THE TIME in hot Bakersfield (CA). (Well, and there’s the fact that my dad’s dad was born in Hawaii). So DH and I are now on a mission to pick up Hawaiian fabric wherever we see a good deal so I can fill his closet with them. So now I just have to figure out exactly how much yardage is perfect: 2 yards was almost too little and 2 5/8 is way more than we need.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Hawaiian shirt fabric

Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Wedding