Friday, June 26, 2009
Prenatal #3

Thursday, June 25, 2009
What NOT to do with a broken pickle jar

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New Blog

Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday Morning
(This post was supposed to have been published already. Don't know why it didn't!)
We picked up this folding table and chair (two chairs, actually) for $6 at a garage sale. Love it! It’s susceptible to scissors, so we’ll have to be careful as toddlers turn to preschoolers. I was trying to catch up on dishes this morning after breakfast (our garbage disposal quit. Not happy), and so left LB to his own devices. Fortunately for the both of us, he found something productive to do. If I’d had the camera downstairs, I would have taken video: he was “reading” out loud to himself and pointing to the pictures. And when he’d finished with one book, he dropped it on the floor and started on another one. I think he got through three books before deciding to do something else (namely, hang on my leg). So precious!
Later, when sitting still was no longer appealing, he found the cats to be very entertaining. One escaped to the great outdoors while the other one (who is currently sitting on my lap, making me hot and covering my yellow shirt with black fur) found behind the tv to be a safe haven from the toddler terror.

From fabric to shirt
Here is DH’s shirt! I took the picture with my phone. My phone takes terrible pictures, which is a little disappointing. Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job on this shirt! Straight lines of stitching, I even remembered to zig-zig seams (maybe someday I’ll have a serge machine). Of course, there are little mistakes, and it certainly wouldn’t win any awards (except maybe a thrift award since I eked it out of so little fabric! I even had enough for a pocket!) Speaking of the pocket, let’s take a closer look – are those FEET sticking out underneath?
There’s a hula girl in his pocket! If you scroll back up to the other picture and imagine the shirt without the pocket, you’ll see that there would have been two hula girls in the front. Yeah, not so much. So even if I’d HAD enough fabric to match the pocket, I wouldn’t have! And I couldn’t quite cover her feet because then the pocket would have been too low and might have looked funny. As it is, it’s a little too close to the sleeve. If I use this pattern again (which I probably will), I’ll put the pocket a little closer to the center front. But the vertical placement is good.
DH really likes the shirt, and declared that it is now his favorite Hawaiian shirt. He also couldn’t get over how cool it felt compared to wearing a t-shirt, and so now he understands why my dad wears Hawaiian shirts ALL THE TIME in hot Bakersfield (CA). (Well, and there’s the fact that my dad’s dad was born in Hawaii). So DH and I are now on a mission to pick up Hawaiian fabric wherever we see a good deal so I can fill his closet with them. So now I just have to figure out exactly how much yardage is perfect: 2 yards was almost too little and 2 5/8 is way more than we need.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Hawaiian shirt fabric

Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Wedding

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Feed Dogs

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Palatable Tap Water

So, in theory, lots of water = good. In reality, lots of water = not so easy to accomplish. There are lots of tricks out there, but I wanted to share the one that's been most helpful to me in getting those 64ounces down: put a few slices of cucumber in your water! Be sure to scrub the cucumber first, or you can even peel it if you want to. If you put the water in the fridge with the cucumber, the longer it cools, the more cucumber flavor you'll get.
Fore more great tips, check out Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.

Monday, June 8, 2009
And I thought this would be a short post
I think part of my problem is I write so many blog posts in my head, that I forget none of them are really here. I need a black box hardwired into my brain, so when I start thinking of something I want written down, it will record it and I can retrieve it later. Wouldn't that be helpful? A little weird, and I certainly wouldn't want it connected to the internet or anything, but I bet I could make good use of it.
Some of the topics of those posts I wrote in my head during the week were more beading (I've completed several more projects, I just need to get them up on Etsy), bargain hunting (I had a most successful hunt this past weekend, from craigslist to garage sales to thrift stores. Fun!), Little Bug (have I told you he can open door knobs now? His favorite one is the pantry. Oh, and he's starting biting. And he destroys everything he touches. We're working on "be gentle!" "be kind!" It's slow-going.), home improvement (I installed the gate I got for free all by myself. It only took 3 times longer than it should have and 4 more holes than needed, which still need to be patched), and sewing (since my machine's actually accessible since we rearranged the furniture, I've been actually using it. The quick projects, like mending, are fun, but more complicated things (like quilting. yes, quilting. why am I quilting something? because I was too cheap to buy pre-quilted fabric. No worries, I've learned my lesson) frustrate me and cause me to leave the project draped over the machine for days on end.)
This morning, in addition to getting caught back up after the weekend (weekends were not meant for doing chores. Just because it makes Monday harder is irrelevant), I'm helping DH with a paper he's working on. He gave it to his advisor (Julie) last Monday. She gave it back to him on Friday, saying that it wouldn't take him very long to make the corrections. She'd like it back by Monday (today). (Who doesn't like a boss who holds something for a week and then wants a three-day turnaround? Over a weekend? Yay!) Well, when we pulled it out and looked at it, it was so covered in red ink, I'm not sure there was any original text left.
Two things happened that caused this: first, Julie forgot what conference she wanted this submitted to (yes, that's a preposition at the end. oh well. except now it's not at the end anymore, problem solved!). She claims she didn't, but she did. And each conference has different requirements/specifications. Secondly, and partly as a result of the first, fully 1/3 of the paper needs to be cut out: it's far too long.
Usually when DH gets a paper back, I enter the corrections for him. Are you familiar with the "review" tools in Word? You turn "tracking" on, and Word tracks all the changes you make, so you or anyone else can look back over the document before "accepting" or "rejecting" the changes. It's the electronic equivalent of editing with a red pen. So I enter all the written corrections into the document on the computer, and DH goes back over them later and makes the paper all perfect (sorta, not really). But THIS time, there's more than just the usual corrections, she wants whole pages reduced to a single paragraph, entire sections moved and combined (and reduced), and these sorts of things are not DH's strong suit. As a matter of fact, writing papers really isn't his thing. So I've agreed to help him with the combining and reducing. I may not be as good at coming up with original content, but I can sure take someone else's content and make it sound good. It's kinda fun too. But it's a lot of work, and if you haven't guessed by now, it's entirely possible that the length of this post is in direct proportion to how much I'm trying to procrasinate this paper thing. Although I can't put it off too much longer, LB's only last so long (and if he takes a long one in the morning, my afternoon is shot). And I can't get up from the computer unless I want to take care of some diapers that need washing. So, back to work. Just as soon as I grab a little snack....

Monday, June 1, 2009
Look what I made yesterday!
It didn’t actually take me very long. It came from a kit that had everything included! Well, except pliers and glue. Glue wasn’t a problem, but my beading pliers are in my beading box, which neither DH nor I had seen in quite a while. I spent some time in the garage (which now noticeably less tidy than it was. I can lift things down, but not back up!) and finally found in a box, along with (I couldn’t believe it) a stack of 7 maternity shirts and 1 bra. The eight items that I have been sorely missing for about the last week. I knew I hadn’t gotten rid of them but couldn’t figure for the life of me where they were! The problem was that I had forgotten there are unsealed boxes in the garage, stacked up to LOOK like they’re all sealed and done, but they’re not. There was all kinds of stuff out there that I’d been kinda wondering where it’d gone! But anyway, back to the beading.
The necklace was a lot of fun to put together. All the materials were right there, and it even had illustrated instructions! (okay, the instructions were ALL illustrations with little to no text, but that’s okay). I’m planning on putting it on Etsy. I paid (get this) $3 for the kit on Walmart clearance (wait, Walmart clearance? Is there really such a thing?? I know! Feels like something out of the Twilight Zone! But our Walmart has been reorganizing and needed to clear out some things, even whole departments, so I’ve been taking advantage of the clearance aisles that won’t last much longer.) So I just need to clear $3 (plus tax) and the rest gets reinvested in the store (where “reinvesting” means I get to buy more materials :) ) So I’m hoping someone buys it.
So remember how my beading box was hidden in the garage? I knew mostly what was in it (pliers, scissors, string and wire, other materials, a bunch of seed beads…), but I had forgotten about some things I had finished that were still in there. Look at these!
I had totally forgotten I had made these! I’m excited to put them in my jewelry box and looking forward to picking outfits solely to match the jewelry so I can wear these pieces! I could put these on Etsy too, but I originally made them for me, and they took considerably more time to make than the necklace I just finished, so I’m going to keep them for now.