When I arrived at the clinic, the technician called me back to "empty my bladder and get undressed." Um, what? I don't remember having to get undressed for LB's ultrasounds. And I thought I was supposed to have a full bladder? Fortunately, Mary Anne was right there and we quickly cleared up the confusion: being an early ultrasound, the clinic thought they were performing a vaginal ultrasound. But, I'm slender enough, and just far enough along, that we were able to NOT do a vaginal one. Whew! It was lots of fun. LB didn't cause too much trouble. And since Mary Anne was there, the technician felt free to point out things and make comments that she wouldn't have otherwise. All's well. The placenta is partially covering the cervix, so I'm to expect a bit of spotting as the uterus grows, and there was also a small hemorrhage, but it was small and they weren't worried.
Afterward, Mary Anne went over the results of my bloodwork. Everything's great, but my red blood cell count is low. Nothing else was out of whack, so she recommended Floradix Iron & Herbs 17 oz
Well, LB is fussing at the fence and DH has lunch ready. Gotta go!

Amazing how clear they all look!
Could they tell if you are having a boy or a girl? or is it too early yet? or maybe you don't want to know before delivering?
How exciting!
I was amazed at the quality as well :) No, it's too early to for us determine gender. Everything's there (lol), but we can't see it on ultrasound yet.
Cute! Cute! Cute!
Nice to know everything is fine!
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