I'm supposed to work on straightening the desk area that's covered in papers and whatnot. But it feels like they'll just pile up again. What's the point? So what if the cats get muddy pawprints and cat hair all over everything? I know which piles things are in, how is that different from filing them in a cabinet?
I'd rather research a business idea DH and I had. I'd rather work on a sewing project I'd like to finish by Sunday. I'd rather finish any of the crochet projects I've started and never finished. I'd like to feel like the work I spend my time on won't be undone before I go to bed!
Well, I CAN'T just sit here, feeling sorry for myself. LB will only sleep for so long. I'll take another slug of coffee, turn up the music, and drown my sorrows in dirty dishwater. Thanks for joining my pity party.

Oh, hugs to you Jennifer! We all have days like that.
I remember having those days when DS was little. I remember have a few of those days when DS wasn't so little too.
Hope you feel better soon! I also hope you find time for those little things that you enjoying doing too!
Just think, if you don't do it, it'll just get bigger. (Don't ask me how I know this.)
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